

Ticks can be found everywhere in the summer months. Whether you’re going 为 a long hike outdoors or simply enjoying your own backyard, ticks can cling to exposed areas of your skin as well as hide in areas that are generally covered, 比如你的脚踝. Aside from being parasitic nuisances, ticks can transmit a variety of harmful diseases to you and your pets, 包括落基山, 斑疹热, 和莱姆病. In order to learn how to get rid of ticks properly and find the right tick control 为 you, it’s important to first learn how to identify ticks.


Ticks aren’t just found when wandering around on a hike. They can be found in your own backyard! With our mild temperatures here we are host to a variety of different species. 

The most common ticks that are found in yards around Virginia are:

  • 鹿蜱(黑脚蜱)
  • 孤星基金
  • 墨西哥湾沿岸蜱
  • 美国狗蜱


鹿蜱虫, also referred to as blacklegged ticks, are among the most active types of ticks year-round in the state of Virginia, 它们也是最常见的. 


These ticks are the smallest breed in North America, so they can be difficult to spot. As adults, deer ticks can grow up to ¼ of an inch, which is about the size of a sesame seed! They have hard-shelled bodies and are solid orange-brown in color with dark black legs. 


是的, these pests are dangerous to humans. They can easily latch onto you and can go virtually unnoticed if you don’t look close enough due to their small size. They do spread harmful diseases to humans like Lymes Disease, so it is important to remove them if you ever see one on yourself, 所爱的人, 或者一只宠物.


Unlike, 鹿蜱虫, 孤星基金 are light brown all over their bodies. 孤星基金 grow to be relatively the same size as 鹿蜱虫, 但它们的背部有变色, distinctive mark that differentiates them from other ticks: the shape of a small star. Past the larva stage of development, 孤星基金’ legs extend and grow straight outward. 


Just like Deer Ticks, these outdoor pests can transmit a variety of diseases to their human host. 这些包括: 

  • 获得性红肉过敏
  • 腹地病毒
  • 埃立克体病毒传染 
  • 立克次体病
  • 落基山斑疹热
  • Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness (STARI)
  • 兔热病


墨西哥湾沿岸蜱 may appear harmless with their pecan-looking bodies--yes, their bodies really do have the color, texture, and shape of pecans--but they can also be harmful to you and your pets. Their legs extend outward like the legs of 孤星基金, and their legs are light caramel in color. 


While 墨西哥湾沿岸蜱 are commonly found in coastal parts of Virginia, 比如弗吉尼亚海滩, these ticks can be found in other parts of the state with large bodies of water. 


美国狗蜱 are a little larger than ticks commonly found in Virginia. With their teardrop-shaped bodies and their unique dark and light brown spotted hard backs, 美国狗蜱 appear almost like miniature turtles. Their legs are thicker in diameter and extend outward like most ticks found in Virginia. These ticks can spread 兔热病 and Rocky Mountain 斑疹热 to you and your pets.

How Do You Identify a Tick on Your Body

While ticks may be small and hard to identify at times, you can detect ticks on your body by searching 为 inflammation and red spots that look similar to mosquito bites. 经常, these bites are characterized by a red circle around a brown dot, 蜱虫的头和身体是哪个.

How do You Get a Tick off of Your Body?

Simply pulling it out is one method to go with. Grasp the tick as close to the surface of the skin as possible with your fingers or tweezers if available and pull straight out in one solid motion. 不要扭曲或抽动tick. If you’re trying to avoid pulling it out there are a few things you can put near the embedded tick to get it out. 这些都是:

  • 凡士林
  • 外用酒精
  • 洗甲水

What to Do if You or Your Pet is Bit by a Tick

When checking your dog or other pet 为 ticks, look 为 large inflamed bumps or round lumps. These lumps will grow darker brown as the tick continues to feed on your pet. If you have discovered a tick on you or your pet’s body, you want to quickly and carefully remove it, 但你也想安全地这样做. Using tweezers to remove a tick is best, but you have to ensure that you pull upward, so the tick is fully removed from the skin. If any part is left behind, the tick can continue to feed off you or your pet’s body. 

What to do After you Remove a Tick From Your Pet?

根据疾控中心, 除去蜱虫后, you should place it in a solution of rubbing alcohol or flush it down the toilet. 为了进一步保护, have a tick exterminator come and inspect your home 为 comprehensive removal throughout the seasons


If you continue to find ticks on you or your pet, call 农艺草坪管理循环蜱虫控制. A highly trained exterminator will thoroughly inspect and treat your property 为 ticks, so you can worry less about diseases and more about the things in life that really matter. We are guaranteed to help you get rid of ticks in your yard and prevent future infestations.


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